Suicide bereavement is a unique type of grieving. In addition to the profound sense of loss, survivors are also left with a deep sense of guilt, regret, and shame.
This group is an opportunity for survivors to connect with other survivors and talk openly about suicide, with people who really understand what you are going through.
An important part of the healing process is the opportunity to share and express your grief with other survivors. The group is facilitated by persons who have lost loved ones to suicide.
Basic principles of the group:
- There is healing in talking about our feelings and comfort in knowing we are not alone in our grief
- All group members are encouraged to share openly, however no one should feel pressure to participate. There is also healing in listening.
- Group members are respectful of differences in everyone’s needs
- Confidentiality is strictly maintained
- Consider the group as just one source of support. Other forms of support may be helpful as well, including professional counselling
Please note: The group will be offered in a hybrid format, both virtually on Zoom and in-person commencing September 20, 2023
To register, or for more information, please contact 519-752-2998, ext. 112 or email
See attached 2023 schedule here 2023 Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group (Hybrid)`