
Brant Safe Beds
Jan 13, 2023
Brant Safe Beds – FACT SHEET
The objectives of this program will be attained via the following:
- To improve the client’s situation by accessing supports from various services in the community
- To provide a risk and safety assessment
- To develop crisis planning and coping strategies
- To provide information about community linkages and making referrals
- To reduce the admission to hospitals
- Divert clients from incarceration, the justice system
- Provide clients with voluntary community crisis accommodation and support
Goals for Safe Bed Supports
✓ Provide short term stay – no longer than 30 days
✓ Supportive counselling for immediate crisis presented
✓ Develop relapse prevention plans
✓ Develop discharge planning
✓ Develop linkages to other services
✓ Provide follow up supports with Case Management
✓ Harm Reduction (when applicable)
Referral pathways to programming
The Safe Beds will be intended for individuals who are 16 years of age and older, with a mental disorder (no diagnosis required), those who are in crisis that has police involvement, are able to be safely supported in the community, are not at risk of harm to selves or others, are not suitable for hospitalization and criminal detention. Referrals from all social services and mental health agencies, physicians will follow the same admission and screening process.
Clients –will be given information for other resources.
To access the Safe Beds, for those who have immediate contact with the police will be:
- Brought by the police directly
- Brought by a mobile crisis team
- Brought to hospital by police on a Mental Health Act Apprehension (are not deemed eligible for schedule 1 admittance, and are then referred by the hospital or brought by police)
Admission Criteria
- Have serious mental health issues and are experiencing a mental health crisis (including psychosocial crises)
- Do not require inpatient admission** based on risk assessment (no imminent risk of suicidal, assaultive, self-harm or destructive behaviours) AND are willing to be voluntarily admitted to the Safe beds
- Are in stable physical health and have the ability to self-care for basic physical and personal needs (does not need WMS)
- Are able to administer own medications
To make referrals call:
7 days per week, 365 days per year – 24 hours per day.
Phone: 519-752-2998 ext. 401
Download BSB information flyer here: Brant Safe Beds brochure